Peculiarities of formation of operational images by subjects of activity in problematic and extreme situations




operational intelligence, operational thinking, operational images, functional deformation, problem situations, extreme situations


Purpose. To identify the features and describe the mechanisms of formation of operational images by the subjects of activity in solving problematic and extreme situations, to analyze the possibilities of assessment and development of operational intelligence.

Methods. An experiment was used to model a problem situation. Written texts were analyzed by content analysis method. To identify the relationship between the effectiveness of actions in the experiment and indicators of operational thinking were used: test for practical intelligence (Horst H. Sievert), operational tasks (V.N. Pushkin, D.N. Zavalishina).

Findings. It is shown that the operational image is formed in the course of action as a product of reflection of the transformed object. It is dynamic, subordinate to the task of action, it does not contain redundant features. An important property of the operational image is the functional deformation of the object's attributes, on the basis of which only those attributes are selected from the information stock that contribute to the solution of the task. In a situation of information uncertainty, the dynamic operational image is not formed, there is a stage of random selection of alternative variants of actions, as a result of which the state of the controlled object, as a rule, worsens. Then the relevant features are clarified, the structure of the image becomes adequate to the task of action, and, finally, the adopted strategy for solving the problem situation is developed. The correct setting of the goal of activity at the initial stage of the subject's inclusion in the operational process reduces the number of «trial and error» cycles. Operational intelligence can be assessed and purposefully developed by stimulating students' non-standard thinking, solving spatial-combinatorial operational tasks, modeling a problem situation, including the use of group potential in business games.

Application field of research. The results of the study can be applied to assess the components of operational thinking in various activities related to decision-making in problematic and extreme situations, as well as for the development of operational intelligence in the training of specialists of relevant professions.

Author Biography

Natalia N. Pyzhova, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus; 220007, Belarus, Minsk, Moskovskaya str., 17

Chair of Personnel Policy and Psychology of Management, Associate Professor; PhD in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Pyzhova Н. Н. (2023) “Peculiarities of formation of operational images by subjects of activity in problematic and extreme situations”, Journal of Civil Protection, 7(4), pp. 436–445. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2023.7-4.436.



Safety in emergencies (psychological sciences)
