Improving the methodology of evaluating the effectiveness of the actions of officials of temporary control headquarters for emergency oil spill elimination in the Caspian water area
civil defense, methodology, performance assessment, temporary control headquarters, military threat, official, oil spill accidentAbstract
Purpose. Improving the methodology of assessing the effectiveness of the actions of officials of the temporary control headquarters for the elimination of emergency oil spill at sea.
Methods. General scientific research methods: analysis and synthesis, comparison and synthesis; critical path method.
Findings. Changes have been made in the methodology of assessing the effectiveness of the actions of officials of the temporary headquarters for managing the response to an emergency oil spill at sea, and the results of its testing during exercises are presented.
Application field of research. The results of the work can be used in practical activities in the management of emergency services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan in wartime.
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