Risk appetite and readiness to take risks. Risk perseption of a rescue officer in case of an emergency
risk, risk appetite and readiness to risk, officer-rescuer, emergency, risk conditions, professionally important qualitiesAbstract
Purpose. Certain conditions of an emergency as well as the qualities and the properties of an officer-rescuer’s personality which influence his attitude to risk are considered.
Methods. A search in the scientific literature of information on the influence of a person’s psychological features on his attitude to risk was carried out. The analysis of the received data with the reference to an officer-rescuer’s activities was conducted.
Findings. A significant difference of the two concepts: «readiness to take risks» and «risk appetite» for their application to a rescuer’s professional activities is noted. The preconditions of an officer-rescuer’s readiness to risk and his risk appetite are: objective parameters of the situation, subjective perception of the situation, qualities and traits of an individual, activity conditions, life and professional experience, achievement motivation. The differences of the attitude to risk of an officer-rescuer and an ordinary person in case of an emergency are described.
Application field of research. Having got the information about an officer-rescuer’s availability of certain personal qualities and traits it is possible to estimate his attitude to risk in case of an emergency. By contributing to the development of these qualities and traits it is possible to obtain the necessary level of an officer-rescuer’s attitude to risk.
Conclusions. It is very important for an officer-rescuer to have the right attitude to risk. The preconditions of the development of an officer-rescuer’s necessary level of readiness to risk and his risk appetite are various personal qualities and traits which influence the activity success. The average level of risk appetite contributes to the effective work of an officer-rescuer. The impact of attitude to risk of an officer-rescuer personality on his other qualities and traits is to be considered and assessed.
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