Typesetting of Articles

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  1. 1. General rules for typesetting
    1. 1.1. Parameters of pages
    2. 1.2. Fonts
    3. 1.3. Styles
  2. 2. Information about the authors
  3. 3. Typesetting of the article
    1. 3.1. UDC
    2. 3.2. The article’s title
    3. 3.3. Abstract and keywords
    4. 3.4. The date of submitting
    5. 3.5. Body of the article
    6. 3.6. Figures
    7. 3.7. Tables
    8. 3.8. Formulas
    9. 3.9. References
    10. 3.10. Some guidelines of typesetting
  4. 4. Information about the article in English

The journal accepts articles in Microsoft Word text editor which correspond to the following rules.

1. General rules for typesetting

1.1. Parameters of pages

1.1.1. Margins: top – 2 cm, bottom – 2.3 cm, left – 2.15 cm, right – 2.15 cm (Page Setup / Margins).

1.1.2. Sheet size – А4 (Page Setup / Paper).

1.2. Fonts

1.2.1. Use standard fonts Times New Roman for the text of the article including tables, notes, legends, and inscription on the figures.

1.2.2. Use point size 12 pt for UDC, article’s title, names of the authors, scientific degrees and titles.

1.2.3. Use point size 11 pt for working place of the authors, addresses, abstract, keywords and list of references.

1.2.4. Use point size 10 pt for inscription on the figure, legend, notes, as well as the word «Table» and the title of the table.

1.3. Styles

1.3.1. Don’t use styles for paragraphs and headings.

2. Information about the authors

2.1. It is given on a separate sheet in Russian and English.

2.2. It should contain:

  • article title;
  • surnames and initials of the authors;
  • information about each author.

2.3. The title of the article is typed in lower case letters, without hyphenation and located in the center of the page (Paragraph / Indents and Spacing / Alignment – Center) without indents (Paragraph / Indents and Spacing / Indent first line – no).

2.4. Surnames and initials of the authors

2.4.1. In the next line after the title of the article in the centre (Paragraph / Indents and Spacing / Alignment – Centered) without indentations (Paragraph / Indents and Spacing / Indentation Special – none).

2.4.2. Boldface characters, without hyphenation. Initials from the author's surname are separated by an unbreakable space: PetrovºA.P. (Ctrl + Shift + «space»).

2.4.3. They are separated from the title of the article and the following information about the authors by 6 pt.

2.5. Information about each author

2.5.1. It should contain:

  • surname, name, patronymic, scientific degree, scientific title;
  • place of work (full name), division, position;
  • address (place of work) with indication of the index and country;
  • e-mail (required);
  • contact phone numbers;
  • available personal identification numbers in scientometric databases (in this case, it is obligatory to indicate the RSCI SPIN-code, ORCID identifier).

2.5.2. All items of information about the author are separated by 6 pt from each other (Paragraph / Indents and Spacing / Spacing After – 6 pt) and located on the left without indents (Paragraph / Indents and Spacing / Indent first line – none).

2.5.3. Surname, name, patronymic are typed in italics in bold.

2.5.4. In the English version of the information about the author, the last two items of section 2.5.1 are omitted.

3. Typesetting of the article

3.1. UDC

3.1.1. In upper left corner of the page without indentations.

3.1.2. Separated from the following title of the article by 6 pt (Paragraph / Indents and Spacing / Interval After – 6 pt).

3.2. The article’s title

3.2.1. In the next line after the UDC, centred, without indentations.

3.2.2. Boldface characters, without hyphenation.

3.3. Abstract and keywords

3.3.1. Abstract is located on the next line after the information about the authors.

3.3.2. The abstract (not less than 200 and not more than 300 words) should disclose:

  • purpose (the field of issues to be addressed is determined, the purpose and objectives of the work, the object and subject of research are indicated);
  • methods (sets out the approaches, methods and technologies of research);
  • results (the most significant theoretical positions, experimental data are given, their relevance and novelty are emphasized);
  • application field of research (describes the possibility of using the results, notes their scientific and practical significance).

3.3.3. Abstract and keywords (not more than 12 words) are separated by 6 pt (Paragraph / Indents and Spacing / Spacing After – 6 pt).

3.3.4. Paragraph indentation (first line) – 1 cm (Format / Paragraph / First line – 1 cm).

3.4. The date of submitting

3.4.1. It is separated from key words by 6 pt.

3.4.1. Should have the following format: July 25, 2010.

3.5. Body of the article

3.5.1. It is recommended structuring the article’s body as follows: Introduction, Results, Discussion, Conclusion or similar sections. These words should be placed at the beginning of the paragraph in bold type followed by a full stop.

3.5.2. Justification full (Format / Paragraph / Justification / Full).

3.5.3. Paragraph indentation (first line) – 1.25 cm (Format / Paragraph / First line – 1.25 cm).

3.5.4. Line-to-line spacing – 12 pt (Format / Paragraph / Spacing / Exactly – 12 pt).

3.6. Figures

3.6.1. Half-tone photography, scanned figures, hand-made inscriptions are not allowed; all lines on figures should be well-defined, uniform in thickness.

3.6.2. All inscriptions on figures should be keyboarded and embedded in the figure.

3.6.3. Figures at the end of the article directly before the list of references are not allowed.

3.6.4. The figure should be placed after the paragraph referring to it.

3.6.5. The indentation of the figure from the main text up and bottom is 11 pt (1 empty line).

3.6.6. Numbers or letters denoting details, graphs, parts of the figure (1, 2, 3 or а, b, c) on the figure and in below legend should be rendered in italic characters.

3.6.7. The word Figure and legend are placed on the next line after the figure; they are separated from it by 6 pt and have size 10 pt (Figure 1. – Legend All in bold type.

3.6.8. Justification of figures and legends – centred without indentation.

3.7. Tables

3.7.1. The table should be placed after the paragraph referring to it.

3.7.2. Tables at the end of the article directly before the list of references are not allowed.

3.7.3. The table is created by means of menu Table / Insert / Table, indicating the number of lines and columns.

3.7.4. Centred justification in the tables.

3.7.5. Notes (if necessary) are separated from the table by 6 pt, full centred with paragraph indentation of 0.6 cm.

3.7.6. The word Note is in italics followed by a full-stop.

3.7.7. The text of the note follows the word Note and starts with a capital letter.

3.7.8. The interval between the table and the main text up and bottom is 11 pt (one empty line).

3.8. Formulas

3.8.1. Indentation of formula from the text up and bottom is 6 pt, justification centred.

3.8.2. Simple formulas without fractions, sum symbols, integrals, superscripts and subscripts of the same symbol should be keyboarded as a text: p = a, p2, lgα.

Greek letters (α, β, δ, φ, λ, μ, ρ and others), as well as symbols (≤, ±, ×, ≠, ∞, →, º, ∉ and others) should be inserted from the menu Insert / Symbol font Symbol.

3.8.3. Formulas containing fractures, sum symbols, integrals, superscripts and subscripts of the same symbol should be rendered in equation editor Microsoft Equation.

3.8.4. Greek symbols (α, β, δ, φ...), trigonometric functions (tg, sin, cos, ctg, ln, max and so on.) units of measure (Wt, V, J, kg, m), Cyrillic letters (П, Л, Ц), abbreviations of Russian or Belarusian words should be normal style.

3.8.5. Latin letters denoting variables (К, y, z, x, V, i, j) should be in Italics.

3.8.6. Symbols and their order in formulas interpretation beginning with the word «where» (this word should not be underlined) should correspond to the symbols in their order in the formulas.

3.8.7. Mathematical symbols in formulas, equations should be separated from the words, numbers by a space.

3.8.8. All formulas should not exceed 10 cm in length. If the length of the formula is larger than 10 cm, it is necessary to separate this formula in several lines in correspondence to the rules of hyphening of mathematical formulas (by the symbol «=» or by symbol of mathematical operations repeating them at the beginning of the second line).

3.8.9. The number of a formula has a right-margin justification. If one formula is divided into several lines the number of this formula is given in front of the last line of this formula. If the number refers to several formulas simultaneously it is placed in the centre of all formulas which are united.

3.9. References

3.9.1. The format of the references should correspond to the Interstate Standard GOST 7.32-2017.

3.9.2. The word References is centred, bold-typed without indentation. Upper space from the text is 6 pt bottom space from the list of references is 6 pt (Format / Paragraph / Space after and Space before is 6 pt).

3.9.3. Sources are numbered and given according to the order of mentioning in the text.

3.9.4. Each source is placed in a new line with the indentation (hanging) – 0.6 cm (Format / Paragraph / Hanging – 0.6 cm).

3.9.5. The examples of list of references are to be found on the site of the Higher Attestation Committee https://vak.gov.by.

3.10. Some guidelines of typesetting

3.10.1. The hyphen is not separated in composed words: mineral-indicator, К-space.

3.10.2. Dash is separated from both sides by non-breaking space (Ctrl + Shift + «space») as a punctuation mark between words, as well as in the next cases: Boyle – Mariotte's law, system «human – machine», May – June and so on.

3.10.3. Dash is not separated between numbers denoting limits of a quantity (e.g. 20–30 pers.).

3.10.4. Quotation marks all over the text should have one type («French quotation mark», they are not separated from included words.

3.10.5. Symbols %, º, are separated from previous words by a space (10 %, 12 ºС, symbol º is not separated from the letter С).

3.10.6. Symbols –, +

  • are not separated, if they accompany a number (–10 ºС),
  • are separated by a space, if they denote arithmetic operation (R1 + R2 = 0.75).

4. Information about the article in English

4.1. Is given on a separate page.

4.2. It should contain:

  • title of the article (See 3.2);
  • abstract (200–300 words) and keywords (See 3.3);
  • transliteration in Latin and translation in English of the list of references.

4.3. The English abstract should contain the following items.

Purpose – the title of the article is revealed, the considered problems are determined, aim and tasks of the work are defined, as well as the object, the subject of the research.

Methods – approaches, methods and technologies are presented.

Findings – the most significant theoretical statements, experimental data are given, novelty and topicality is focused.

Application field of research – possibilities of use of obtained results are described, their scientific and practical significance is mentioned.

4.4. The system of transliteration BGN is used for transliteration in Latin.