Experimental investigation of the susceptibilityto the negative information-psychological impact


  • Svetlana A. Golubeva Establishment of education «Belarusian state academy of aircraft»; ul. Uborevicha, 77, Minsk, 220096, Belarus




manipulation, communication media, coping strategies, coping resources, opinion polling, factor analysis, susceptibility to influence, readiness self-assessment


Purpose. To identify and study the factors influencing the degree of exposure to negative information and psychological effects and the evaluation of its consequences.

Methods. Opinion polls; a multi-level personal questionnaire «Adaptability» by A.G. Maklakov and S.V. Chermyanin; Youthful copy-scale (YuKSH), adapted by TL. Kriukovoy; sociometry by J. Moreno; method «Value Orientations and Unity» by M. Rokich, adapted by V.A. Yadov. As an indicator of exposure to negative information and psychological effects, self-assessment of the components of the students' psychological readiness for performing tasks according to their intended purpose was considered.

Findings. An experimental study of the susceptibility to negative psychological influence on military cadets of civilian higher education institutions on the example of the military faculty in the educational institution «Belarusian State Aviation Academy» was conducted.

Application field of research. Psychological investigation.

Conclusions. It was revealed that the following factors influence the degree of susceptibility to negative information-psychological impact of cadets of military faculties of civil institutions of higher education: neuropsychic stability; adaptive abilities; used styles of psychological coping; motives for entering the military faculty; values and value orientations.

Author Biography

Svetlana A. Golubeva, Establishment of education «Belarusian state academy of aircraft»; ul. Uborevicha, 77, Minsk, 220096, Belarus



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How to Cite

Golubeva С. (2018) “Experimental investigation of the susceptibilityto the negative information-psychological impact”, Journal of Civil Protection, 2(1), pp. 111–120. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2018.2-1.111.



Safety in emergencies (psychological sciences)
