Practical experience of introduction of duplicating way for the notification at contingency or emergency situations in the fire protection system of office buildings of JSC «Russian railways»


  • Sergey V. Sharkhun Ural Institute of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia; Sverdlovskaya oblast', ul. Mira, 22, Ekaterinburg, 620062, Russia
  • Nina F. Sirina Ural Institute of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia; Sverdlovskaya oblast', ul. Mira, 22, Ekaterinburg, 620062, Russia



warning system and management of evacuation of people at a fire, management of process of evacuation of people, time of the beginning of evacuation, duplicating way of the notification, mathematical m


Purpose. The results of research on development, realization, introduction and estimation of efficiency of the use of duplicating way of the notification about emergency situations on infrastructure facilities of railway transport are presented.

Methods. Natural observation of response of workers of office buildings to a signal of the notification and imitating modeling of evacuation taking into account the obtained data is made.

Findings. According to natural observations of evacuation of workers from buildings of JSC Russian Railways, the time of reaction of personnel to the signal of an emergency situation given by various ways of the notification is defined.

Application field of research. The chosen mathematical model and time for making decision on the beginning of evacuation allows to assess the efficiency of the notification depending on the way of the notification in comparison with standard values.

Conclusions. The efficiency of introduction of the offered duplicating way of the notification for the purpose of increase of efficiency of evacuation at contingency or emergency situations is proved.

Author Biographies

Sergey V. Sharkhun, Ural Institute of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia; Sverdlovskaya oblast', ul. Mira, 22, Ekaterinburg, 620062, Russia

Senior Lecturer; PhD in Technical Sciences

Nina F. Sirina, Ural Institute of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia; Sverdlovskaya oblast', ul. Mira, 22, Ekaterinburg, 620062, Russia

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs; Grand PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Sharkhun С. and Sirina Н. (2018) “Practical experience of introduction of duplicating way for the notification at contingency or emergency situations in the fire protection system of office buildings of JSC «Russian railways»”, Journal of Civil Protection, 2(2), pp. 199–204. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2018.2-2.199.