Economic assessment of damage from emergencies in industrial organizations: methodological and applied aspects


  • Ol'ga N. Lopachuk Belarusian State Economic University; pr. Partizanskiy, 26, Minsk, 220070, Belarus
  • Mayya V. Lysenkova Belarusian State Economic University; pr. Partizanskiy, 26, Minsk, 220070, Belarus



costs, indirect damage, methods of economic assessment of damage, industrial organization, loss of organization, direct damage, emergency


Purpose. The purpose of developing a methodology for the economic assessment of damage from emergencies in industrial organizations is to formalize and unify approaches to damage assessment by both state authorities and business entities, which will allow solving assessment tasks at all levels. The object of the research is industrial organizations, and the subject is the economic assessment of damage from an emergency.

Methods. Analysis, synthesis, system approach, graphic method, mathematical modeling, method of scientific abstraction, system-functional method.

Findings. The concept has been defined and the theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of the economic assessment of damage from natural and technogenic emergencies in industrial organizations in Belarus have been considered. The author's interpretation and structuring of direct and indirect damage from an emergency at the level of an economic entity is given. The source data are systematized and the methods for determining economic damage are formalized. The developed methodological approaches are illustrated by an example of the calculation of economic damage caused by emergencies in an industrial organization. Application fields of research. The development of a unified methodology for the economic assessment of damage from emergencies in industrial organizations will allow unifying approaches to damage assessment at all levels, both from the government and business entities.

Conclusions. Unified methods of economic assessment of damage from emergencies in industrial organizations have been developed and their approbation on a model example has been carried out The result of the economic assessment of damage will allow classifying emergencies, analyzing the effectiveness of preventive measures, predicting the amount of compensation for harm at potentially hazardous facilities, and assessing the risk taking into account the probability of occurrence of an emergency.

Author Biographies

Ol'ga N. Lopachuk, Belarusian State Economic University; pr. Partizanskiy, 26, Minsk, 220070, Belarus

Associate Professor; PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Mayya V. Lysenkova, Belarusian State Economic University; pr. Partizanskiy, 26, Minsk, 220070, Belarus

Associate Professor; PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Lopachuk О. and Lysenkova М. В. (2018) “Economic assessment of damage from emergencies in industrial organizations: methodological and applied aspects”, Journal of Civil Protection, 2(4), pp. 540–548. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2018.2-4.540.