Improving the sustainability of functioning of objects of the main pipeline transport of the Azerbaijan Republic in emergency situation


  • Adil' A. Abdullaev Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan; ul. M. Mushviga, 501, Baku, AZ1073, Azerbaijan



emergency situation, oil industry, improving operational stability, emergency oil spill, sea pipeline


Purpose. The analysis of factors that increase the likelihood of emergency situations at the facilities of the main pipeline transport of the Azerbaijan Republic. Recommendations for improving the sustainability of the operation of trunk pipelines in emergencies.

Methods. The methods of analysis and planning have been used in the research.

Findings. The recommendations have been given to reduce the number of problems and to increase consequently the effectiveness of the response to emergency oil spill.

Application field of research. The obtained data can be used in the field of planning of management decisions.

Conclusions. Among the emergencies occurring at the oil industry facilities, accidents at sea pipelines are the most frequent and they cause a significant environmental damage. The recommendations will allow increasing the quality of response to oil spill emergencies at the main sea pipelines of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Author Biography

Adil' A. Abdullaev, Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan; ul. M. Mushviga, 501, Baku, AZ1073, Azerbaijan

Crisis Management Center, Head of Center


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How to Cite

Abdullaev А. (2019) “Improving the sustainability of functioning of objects of the main pipeline transport of the Azerbaijan Republic in emergency situation”, Journal of Civil Protection, 3(1), pp. 32–37. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2019.3-1.32.