Improving the system of emergency monitoring and predicting
emergency situation, emergency monitoring and predicting system, remote sensing of the Earth, space monitoring, air monitoringAbstract
Purpose. The present state of the National system of environment monitoring of the Republic of Belarus is analyzed.
Methods. The distinctive features of the functioning technical means (space and aircraft) of monitoring are considered, their merits and demerits are described.
Findings. Possibilities of the new multi-channel gyro- stabilized aviation complex of remote tracking ASC «Spektr» created by the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Belarus are considered.
Application field of research. It is found out that ASC «Spektr» is able to obtain high-resolution raster images of the area in the given spectral range (visible, infrared, and thermal included), which can be used for evaluation of aftermaths of wild land fires, estimation of flooded areas, location of pollution spills on water bodies, search of lost people and other applied problems.
Conclusions. Directions for improvement of the system of natural and man-made emergency monitoring and predicting in the Republic of Belarus are mentioned.
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