Multifactor analysis of professionally important qualities in computer psychodiagnostics of NPP operating staff


  • Pavel S. Bondarovich State Enterprise «Belarusian NPP»; NPP Training Center, NPP Construction Site, Ostrovets, Grodno region, 231201, Belarus
  • Svetlana S. Sagaydak Scientific-methods Institution of the Belarusian State University «Republican Human Problems Center»; ul. Kurchatova, 7-301, Minsk, 220108, Belarus



operational staff, nuclear power plant, professionally important qualities, psychodiagnostics, computer testing


Purpose. The article describes the psychological characteristics that affect the work of NPP staff. The purpose is to identify the human factor for the safe operation of NPP.

Methods. Theory of system psychophysiology. Psychological computer testing. Software methods of an experimental psychological research procedure. Methods of mathematical statistics. Comparative analysis of computer psychological testing data. A systematic approach. A complex approach.

Findings. The effect of individual psychophysiological features on operational activities has been identified. The method for predicting behavior according to psycho-physiological criteria has been developed. The computer program for diagnosing NPP operating staff and an algorithm for generating recommendations have been designed.

Application field of research. The main or additional methodology for assessing professionally important qualities in the selection of candidates and current staff of nuclear power plants. Recommendations based on test results can be used to optimize advanced training programs and maintain qualifications, training for the position.

Author Biographies

Pavel S. Bondarovich, State Enterprise «Belarusian NPP»; NPP Training Center, NPP Construction Site, Ostrovets, Grodno region, 231201, Belarus

Laboratory of Psychophysiology and Professiography, Head of Laboratory

Svetlana S. Sagaydak, Scientific-methods Institution of the Belarusian State University «Republican Human Problems Center»; ul. Kurchatova, 7-301, Minsk, 220108, Belarus

Laboratory of Psychophysiology and Professiography, Head of Laboratory; PhD in Psychological Sciences


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How to Cite

Bondarovich П. and Sagaydak С. (2019) “Multifactor analysis of professionally important qualities in computer psychodiagnostics of NPP operating staff”, Journal of Civil Protection, 3(3), pp. 324–333. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2019.3-3.324.



Safety in emergencies (psychological sciences)
