Prospects of the use of optical measuring instruments and devices during the testing of smoke optoelectronic spot fire detectors


  • Ilya O. Klochihin Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University; 195251, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Politekhnicheskaya str., 29
  • Mikhail A. Vasiliev Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University; 195251, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Politekhnicheskaya str., 29
  • Leonid T. Tanklevskiy Research Institute for Advanced Studies and Innovative Technologies in the Field of Life Safety of Saint-Petersburg University of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia; 188681, Russia, Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, Sverdlovsk urban settlement, Novosaratovka village, Oktyabr'skaya embankment, 35



fire detector, test methods, control ionisation chamber, particle counter, optical density, air environ-ment characteristics


Purpose. The assessment of sensitivity of devices used and proposed for use during the testing of smoke optoelectronic spot fire detectors to smoke generated from various sources.

Methods. The study of information sources, applied standards, and methods for measuring sensitivity of fire smoke detectors, development of a specialized test stand, conducting studies at a specialized stand and analysis of the obtained results.

Findings. The results of studies of the characteristics of the air environment during smoke generation with glowing cotton, wood smouldering, and from test aerosols are presented.

Application field of research. Test laboratories of manufacturers of fire smoke detectors and accredited certification centers.

Author Biographies

Ilya O. Klochihin, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University; 195251, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Politekhnicheskaya str., 29

Higher School of Technosphere Safety, Graduate Student

Mikhail A. Vasiliev, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University; 195251, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Politekhnicheskaya str., 29

Higher School of Technosphere Safety, Associate Professor; PhD in Technical Sciences

Leonid T. Tanklevskiy, Research Institute for Advanced Studies and Innovative Technologies in the Field of Life Safety of Saint-Petersburg University of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia; 188681, Russia, Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, Sverdlovsk urban settlement, Novosaratovka village, Oktyabr'skaya embankment, 35

Transport Fire Safety Department, Chief Researcher; Grand PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

Klochihin И. О., Vasiliev М. А. and Tanklevskiy Л. Т. (2022) “Prospects of the use of optical measuring instruments and devices during the testing of smoke optoelectronic spot fire detectors”, Journal of Civil Protection, 6(3), pp. 294–304. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2022.6-3.294.



Fire and industrial safety (technical sciences)
