Evaluation of the effectiveness of civil defense measures in the elaboration of management decisions
civil defense, efficiency assessment, civil defense management bodies, system, operation, efficiency, uncertainty, management decision makingAbstract
Purpose. Develop an approach to formalize the assessment of the effectiveness of civil defense measures in the preparation of management decisions.
Methods. The well-known methods of efficiency theory, theory of operations research, probability theory and mathematical statistics, as well as general scientific methods (induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis) were used as a theoretical basis.
Findings. The analysis of the main literary sources in the field of assessing the effectiveness of complex systems. An approach has been developed to formalize the assessment of the effectiveness of civil defense measures in the preparation of management decisions based on the criterion for assessing the quality of the operation results.
Application field of research. The research results can be used in scientific research related to aspects of preparation and conduct of civil defense, as well as in the practical activities of chiefs and staffs of civil defense.
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