Shielding of heat flux by water spray under fire conditions
water curtain, drencher, attenuation coefficient, fire, spray gun, heat flux, shielding, effectivenessAbstract
Purpose. The paper is devoted to the evaluation of the ability of water curtains formed by a spray «Akvamaster-5» for shielding of heat flux. The A. Vinogradov model was used to confirm experimental data.
Methods. The methods of observation, comparison, analysis, and modeling were used.
Findings. The results confirm the possibility of practical use of mathematical models as the basis for evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of water curtains shielding radiant heat from a fire, as well as the use of the model for the comparison of effectiveness of different technical means (irrigators). Applications field of research. The obtained experimental data can be used in designing of water curtains and in assessing their effectiveness.
Conclusions. The results of the research can be used for the increase of the effectiveness of active fire protection.
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