Integrated protection of organizations which have to be transferred for working under war conditions
wartime, civil defense, engineering and technical measures, comprehensive protection, management, stabilityAbstract
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to develop a model, structure and principles for the implementation of integrated protection of the organizations which have to be transferred for working under war conditions.
Methods. General scientific research methods are used: induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization, analogy.
Findings. A procedure was developed for implementing integrated protection in organizations that continue to work in wartime; a hierarchical model of the protection system was proposed, the principles of the implementation of protective measures were formulated.
Application field of research. The result of the study is the contribution to the development of the theory of civil defense; it can be used in processing the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts in terms of clarifying the principles of the implementation of protective measures in organizations that would continue to work under wartime conditions, the structure and management system of integrated protection in organizations.
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