Evaluation of the bubbles diameter and the blowing speed of the air-mechanical foam forming bubbles on the screen of the foam generators
foam, foam screen, foam bubble, foam bubble blowing speed, foam bubble diameterAbstract
Purpose. To study the formation process of bubbles of air-mechanical foam on the cellular screen of foam generators. To analyze the influence of the foam screen cell dimensions, the speed of the foaming mixture (the foam bubble blowing speed), as well as the physical properties of this mixture on the diameter of the bubbles of the air-mechanical foam.
Methods. In the process of the research theoretical methods of analysis were used, as well as the analytical Ferrari method and Cardano's formula for solving an algebraic equation of the fourth degree and cubic equation, respectively.
Findings. It is shown that the diameter of the air-mechanical foam bubbles is affected by the size of the foam screen cell, the physical properties of the foaming agent, and the speed of the foaming mixture (the foam bubble blowing speed). A theoretical method is proposed for determining the diameter of the foam bubble formed on a cellular screen of the foam generator. The diameter of foam bubbles formed at the flooded and unflooded holes of the foam screen with cell size in the range from 0.5 × 0.5 to 5.0 × 5.0 mm was calculated.
Application field of research. The results can be used for theoretical substantiation and development of foam generators with cellular screen.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Tran D.H., Kamlyuk A.N., Likhomanov A.O., Grachulin A.V., Platonov A.S., Titovets A.F.
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