Children-parent relations and formation of children’s views about safety in the digital world




child safety, parent-child relationships, smartphone addiction, social network addiction, generation


Purpose. To identify the relationship between parent-child relationships and the formation of children’s ideas about safety in the digital world.

Methods. Short version of the smartphone addiction questionnaire SAS-16 (by V.P. Sheinov), social network addiction questionnaire ZSS-15 (by V.P. Sheinov, A.S. Devitsyn), a questionnaire for studying child-parent relationships developed by the authors of the article, questionnaire of ideas about psychological safety by N.E. Kharlamenkova have been used. To obtain the results, quantitative and qualitative research methods were used. The basis of the empirical study were the results of testing of 1323 respondents.

Findings. It is shown that poor relationships between children and parents are associated with the development of addiction to smartphones and social networks, and this negatively affects the formation of ideas about safety in childhood. Children's smartphone addiction is linked to poor relationships with their fathers. For members of Generation Z, a positive relationship was found between smartphone addiction and how often they were scolded as children. It has been revealed that addiction to social networks is directly related to the poor relationship that women of all ages have with their mothers. For Generations X and Z, a negative relationship has been established between social media addiction and positive relationships with their fathers. Young people do not associate such concepts as “parents” and “relationships with parents” with the concept of safety.

Application field of research. The results of the study can be used by specialists involved in the development of a culture of life safety, as well as by teachers in explanatory work with parents on the prevention of addiction to smartphones and social networks and on the harmonization of parent-child relationships. This can be facilitated by holding family holidays and other events aimed at creating positive family relationships, as well as teaching children digital literacy.

Author Biographies

Viktor P. Sheinov, National Institute for Higher Education; 220007, Belarus, Minsk, Moskovskaya str., 15

Chair of Psychology and Pedagogical Excellence, Professor; Grand PhD in Sociological Sciences, Professor

Victor A. Karpievich, Belarusian State Technological University; 220006, Belarus, Minsk, Sverdlova str., 13A

Chair of Philosophy and Law, Associate Professor; PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Sheinov В. П. and Karpievich В. А. (2024) “Children-parent relations and formation of children’s views about safety in the digital world”, Journal of Civil Protection, 8(3), pp. 353–366. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2024.8-3.353.



Psychological aspects of emergency prevention and elimination
