Application of geoinformation systems in the information and analytical activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus
analysis, database, geoinformation system, information, model, emergencyAbstract
Purpose. The justification of the effectiveness of the application of the geoinformation system in case of the occurrence or threat of emergency situations and the development of a draft concept for a single geo-information portal.
Methods. The study of special scientific and methodological literature and other sources of information, survey, abstraction, modeling, formalization, hypothetical-deductive method.
Findings. The functional capabilities of the geoinformation system in the information and analytical activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus have been determined, which make it possible to increase the effectiveness of the decision-making process in monitoring and forecasting of emergency situations.
Application field of research. The use of geoinformation systems in the activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will significantly accelerate and increase the effectiveness of the decision-making process in monitoring and forecasting of emergency situations of natural and man-made nature. It will allow to see the areas emergency situations, their territorial coverage, the location of critical and potentially hazardous facilities, the settlements in the zone of emergency and the number of their population, the infrastructure of the area, as well as the forces and means of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other equipment that can be involved to overcome the consequences of a possible or actual emergency.
Conclusions. The placing of geoinformation systems on a national platform using cloud technologies will solve all the key problems in the field of storage, accessibility and protection of information, which will significantly increase the efficiency and reduce the costs of the involved agencies. In addition, this will allow allocating just as much power as necessary for the correct operation of the system contributing to economic efficiency.
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