Theoretical aspects of professionally applied physical training of rescuers of the Ministry of Emergencies of Belarus
specialist rescuer, professionally applied physical training, cadet, humanitarization, emergencyAbstract
Purpose. Theoretical substantiation of the approaches aimed at transforming the system of professionally applied physical training in the bodies and units for emergency situations of the Republic of Belarus.
Methods. The study was based on the contents aspects of the pedagogical process aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of the system of professionally applied physical training of rescuers. The following research methods were used: structural and functional, analysis, generalization and systematization, comparison, formalization.
Findings. The approaches to transforming the system of professionally applied physical training in the bodies and units for emergency situations of the Republic of Belarus are presented. The principles and ways presented in scientific and scientific-methodical literature focusing on the optimization of the content of professionally applied physical training of rescuers at all stages of professional training are generalized. It has been substantiated that each stage of professional development depends on a number of general and particular characteristics. Careful consideration and keeping records of individual characteristics will ensure the effective operation of the rescuer training system.
Application field of research. The research results can be used in the system of professionally applied physical training of rescuers of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of Belarus.
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