Laboratory studies of the level mode of the cascade of hydraulic units of the Republic of Azerbaijan
(water) storage reservoir, hydrolic units’ cascade, similarity criteria, modeling, risk assessment, emergency situationsAbstract
Purpose. To determine the rate of change in the water level in each stage of the cascade on the river Kura, taking into account the value of the lateral inflow and depending on the scenario of an emergency at maximum discharge flows.
Methods. Laboratory studies of the level regime of artificial water bodies and methods of modeling steady-state uneven smoothly varying fluid movement.
Findings. A technique has been developed for laboratory studies of the level regime of a cascade of hydrosystems, which makes it possible to establish the dependence of the level of water rise H (m) in the underlying reservoir located in the cascade on the flow rate Q (m3/s) and the time of its arrival T (s) under various scenarios of the occurrence of an accident on the overlying hydrolic units, as well as to determine the values of the rate of rise of the water level in the headwaters of reservoirs.
Application field of research. The research results are an integral part of the methodology for assessing the risk of emergencies at artificial water bodies located in cascades, which makes it possible to assess the probabilistic measure of the danger of emergencies, and the development of short and medium-term forecasts of emergencies.
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