Research of fluorinated surfactants for the development of a film-forming fire extinguishing composition


  • Igor Yu. Ivanov State Educational Establishment «University of Сivil Protection of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus»; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, Mashinostroiteley str., 25
  • Oleg D. Navrotskiy State Educational Establishment «University of Сivil Protection of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus»; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, Mashinostroiteley str., 25
  • Yana A. Kondakova Institution «Scientific and Research Institute of Fire Safety and Emergency Situations» of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220046, Belarus, Minsk, Soltysa str., 183a
  • Vasiliy E. Krasavin State Educational Establishment «University of Сivil Protection of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus»; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, Mashinostroiteley str., 25
  • Mikhail O. Busel State Educational Establishment «University of Сivil Protection of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus»; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, Mashinostroiteley str., 25



targeted foaming agent for extinguishing fires, fluorinated surfactant, surface tension, interfacial tension


Purpose. To study of the dependence of the surface tension of fluorinated surfactants of various chemical nature on their concentration and determine the most suitable fluorinated surfactant for use in film-forming foam concentrates.

Methods. The surface tension of the solutions was measured using a KRÜSS K20 automatic tensiometer using the Du Noüy ring method described in ISO 304. The determination of the critical micelle concentration of surfactant solutions in aqueous systems was carried out according to the State Standard 29232-1991.

Findings. The results of research of the surface tension of aqueous solutions of anionic, nonionic and amphoteric fluorinated surfactants from various manufacturers are presented. The most promising fluorinated surfactants and co-solvents being used as a part of film-forming foam concentrate for fire extinguishing have been established. The choice of a fluorinated surfactant for the creation of a targeted foaming agent, which makes it possible to obtain an aqueous film on the surface of n-heptane, is substantiated.

Application field of research. The results obtained can be used in the development of a formulation of a targeted foaming agent for extinguishing fires.

Author Biographies

Igor Yu. Ivanov, State Educational Establishment «University of Сivil Protection of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus»; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, Mashinostroiteley str., 25

Chair of Automatic System Security, Senior Lecturer

Oleg D. Navrotskiy, State Educational Establishment «University of Сivil Protection of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus»; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, Mashinostroiteley str., 25

Chair of Automatic System Security, Associate Professor; PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Yana A. Kondakova, Institution «Scientific and Research Institute of Fire Safety and Emergency Situations» of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus; 220046, Belarus, Minsk, Soltysa str., 183a

Fire Safety Engineering Department, Senior Researcher

Vasiliy E. Krasavin, State Educational Establishment «University of Сivil Protection of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus»; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, Mashinostroiteley str., 25

Faculty of Emergency Prevention and Elimination, Cadet

Mikhail O. Busel, State Educational Establishment «University of Сivil Protection of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus»; 220118, Belarus, Minsk, Mashinostroiteley str., 25

Chair of Chemical, Biological, Radiation and Nuclear Protection, Associate Professor; PhD in Technical Sciences


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How to Cite

Ivanov И. Ю., Navrotskiy О. Д., Kondakova Я. А., Krasavin В. Е. and Busel М. О. (2022) “Research of fluorinated surfactants for the development of a film-forming fire extinguishing composition”, Journal of Civil Protection, 6(4), pp. 415–428. doi: 10.33408/2519-237X.2022.6-4.415.

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