Fire extinguishing and film-forming ability of fire extinguishing compositions based on fluorinated surfactants
fluorinated surfactant, hydrocarbon surfactant, surface tension, interfacial tension, fire extinguishing efficiency, extinguishing time, intensity of fire extinguishing agent supplyAbstract
Purpose. To develop and test methods for determining the film-forming ability and fire extinguishing efficiency of compositions based on fluorinated and hydrocarbon surfactants when supplied in the form of water mist.
Methods. The general methodology of the work included the use of theoretical research methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison). The stability time of a vapor-proof aqueous film on the surface of a flammable liquid and the evaluation of the extinguishing efficiency of film-forming aqueous chemical fire extinguishing compounds were carried out experimentally. The obtained experimental data were processed using the estimation method and expression of measurement uncertainty.
Findings. A laboratory technique has been developed and tested for determining the stability time of a vapor-proof aqueous film from the solutions based on fluorinated and hydrocarbon surfactants on the surface of a flammable liquid. A laboratory method for determining the fire extinguishing effectiveness of finely dispersed water with surfactant additives when extinguishing a model class B fire has been developed and tested. The developed methods allow, at low cost, to conduct research on the development of new formulations of fire extinguishing agents used in the form of water mist. It has been experimentally established that a change in the concentration of hydrocarbon surfactants from 0 to 4 % leads to a decrease in interfacial tension from 5.86 to 1.26 mN·m-1, an increase in the spreading coefficient of an aqueous solution over the surface of a flammable liquid from -1.06 up to 2.58 mN·m-1 and increasing the fire extinguishing efficiency Et by 25 times when extinguishing a model fire. An increase in the spreading coefficient of the water film leads to an increase in the fire extinguishing efficiency of fire extinguishing compositions based on fluorinated and hydrocarbon surfactants.
Application field of research. The results obtained can be used in developing the formulation of film-forming fire extinguishing compositions for extinguishing fires.
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